The Only Choice (The Choices Trilogy #3) Page 17
“I will, I promise and thank you for this Jason.” I squeeze his hand to draw some comfort and add with borrowed confidence. “I’m doing the right thing because he didn’t give me a choice. Failure is not an option Grrrr.” He laughs loudly at my attempt to appear dominant. I am pretty sure he can spot a fake I just hope Mr Angel isn’t so intuitive.
The room Sam leads me into is dark with a few dimmed sconce lights and one spotlight aimed at the chest of the man kneeling in the centre of the room. Sam motions for me to walk around the perimeter of the room slowly and I do. Happy to follow any instruction that doesn’t involve me having to speak or think, because my heart is in my throat and my brain checked out when I crossed the threshold. I make my way around the front of the room, I can see the man is gagged with large red rubber ball that stretches his lips thin and shiny, with saliva dripping down his chin. My feet falter and Sam cracks her whip which makes us both jump but my eyes meet hers and she smiles and nods for me to keep walking. Sebastian is blindfolded and his hands have been secured to his ankles, he is still wearing his boxers but he looks uncomfortable as he strains against his restraint and his erection strains against the gaping material in his shorts. His breathing is surprisingly calm and he lets out the occasional satisfied groan as he twists and moves against his bindings. His back is laced with fierce red welts and I get a strange tingle at seeing these familiar marks. I don’t believe my marks were any less red and the heat they generated I can feel again in my core as if they are fresh on my skin.
Sam unclips his gag and caresses his cheeks where the straps had creased his skin he leans into her touch like a kitten. He looks up to where he assumes her face is and asks if there is someone else in the room but before he finishes the question she swipes her hand across his face and quickly smoothes the sting with her palm and soft words.
“You don’t get to ask the questions pet. You know better than that.” She pats his red cheek and draws her long fingernail along his jaw bone, scratching the slight stubble and leaving a feint line. “Now why are you here pet?” She draws in a sigh that sounds like she is bored already with his answer, “and if you lie.” She leans in and whispers in his ear making him visibly shiver. “I won’t let you come.” She steps back and he shakes his head roughly at that unpleasant idea.
“I won’t lie Mistress Selina, I would never lie to you.” He is quick to respond. She draws her fingernails through his hair and pulls it roughly back tilting his head back and exposing his throat. I recognise these moves and my body is reacting in kind, my heart beat is picking up and my skin glows with a light cover of perspiration. “I have just been fucked over with a deal and I’ve come to make sure my wife keeps her end of our arrangement.” He pauses as Sam remains silent. “And to see you Mistress Selina.” Sam looks over to me and mouths ‘Oh My God” and I just nod numbly, shocked at this open disclosure but keen to hear more.
“I like that you came to see me but business deals bore me.” Sam walks round to stand directly in front of him and tips his chin up as far as it will go with the tip of her whip. I wonder what she’s doing, she needs to keep him talking about the deal not tell him she is bored, surely?
“This one would have interested you. It was worth millions but fucking Stone wouldn’t bite. Fucking due-diligence and now I’ve got to wait until Angel can work herself back in to get my money, but it will be worth it. She’s promised me and for the fucking shit I have to agree to I’m earning every penny. Arhhh!” Sam has circled him once more and brought her whip down sharply on his backside and he cries out again with each stroke. The sound rings in my ears and my mind is racing with too much information thanks to Sam and that is why she has the whip and I can only look on in awe.
“Arhh poor baby.” Sam croons stroking the whip tenderly across his inflamed back. “Don’t you love each other any more.” Her lips curl with heavy sarcasm.
“I love her Mistress . . . I have always loved her but she is incapable of loving anyone. It is her own brand of sadism. She makes you fall in love and then she withdraws: her affection, her touch, her time. I’m a masochist but even I have trouble taking that much pain.” His voice is raw and I falter at the honesty. “She doesn’t want me anymore but she needs me for a little while longer. Then she will cut me loose and she will be free to pursue Daniel Stone in earnest . . . She told me once he was the only one that got away. He is a challenge to her now and he will fall in love with her. She doesn’t lose . . . ever.” Sam yawns loudly and barely breaks her stride.
“How interesting.” Her tone perfectly bored. “What’s the nasty lady getting you to do? Do you have to pretend to be blissfully, happily, married.” Her mocking sarcasm is perfectly punctuated with careful strikes of the whip on his inflamed rear.
“No, I only have to pretend that for a few more weeks.” He is panting rushing his words, giving Mistress Selina what she demands, trying to please her, trying not to get punished. “But I have to say I’m firing blanks and I have to say that until I get my money. I hate that shit, people thinking I’m not a real man.” His whiny voice only emphasises his position as pathetic rather than submissive.
Keeping with her demeanour of disinterest Sam asks. “Well, it might not be a lie and you aren’t a man you are my pet.” She grips his hair once more tilting his head at an uncomfortable angle, the muscles in his neck taught and strained. She leans down and licks his face from chin to ear.
His laugh is ugly. “My two kids in Mexico would prove otherwise don’t you think? I’m not the one firing blanks.” Sam retrieves the gag from the floor beside him and informs Sebastian that she is so tired of his voice, he is to open his mouth once more. Once the gag is secured she motions me to the door. On the other side of the closed door I throw my arms around her and we both jump tiny excited jumps together desperately wanting to scream our success but not wanting to be heard.
“Oh My God Sam, you were amazing, that was . . . I’m speechless.” I hug her once more.
“Just tell me you’ve recorded that?” She whispers and I pat my tightly packed breasts which are concealing the recording device. “Give me five minutes and I’ll meet you at the bar.”
“Five minutes?” I challenge.
“Hey I’m a pro . . . five minutes, tops.” She giggles and gives me a sexy wink disappearing back into the room. I let out a deep breath filled with relief and excitement. I can’t believe it worked. I mean I hoped and prayed it would but that it actually did. I am shocked. I have proof that Angel has lied to Daniel. There was other stuff there too but I can’t process that now. I will need to listen again and again to get it all. He sang like a canary but then I don’t know why I’m surprised, Daniel always got the truth from me in a similar fashion. I make my way to the ladies my heart is still racing and I need to stop shaking before I return to the bar.
Sam is at the bar by the time I leave the ladies. My hands wouldn’t stop shaking and I was sweating so much I had to towel dry myself. I think it was mostly the cause of the rubber dress rather than my nerves but it was pretty gross. I look around for Jason but can’t see him, he may have gone to play. Since Sam is staying for the evening she can let him know I’ve left so he won’t need to worry. I want to hug her again but she looks guarded as I approach and I decide to just give her my best and most grateful smile. I decline a drink and realising I didn’t bring any money for the cab I graciously accept Sam’s loan. God I owe her big time. I give her a kiss on the cheek and walk around the edge of the room to the entrance. I just step past one of the booths when a tight grip holds my wrist and spins me back to face the direction I had come. Standing like an impenetrable wall is the towering frame of Daniel Stone, impassive face and ice cold eyes. His eyes drift down my body but there is no hint of heat, if anything he looks disgusted and I feel both cold and sick.
“Interesting career choice.” His voice drips with distain and I can’t quite believe I’m hearing the gravity in his words.
“Sorry you can’t be serious? You think .
. .” Words fail me so my head just shakes incredulously.
“Think what? That you’re dressed for work? That you’re here in a sex club with your professional friend in a professional capacity? Now why would I think that?” He doesn’t leave me space to answer which is good because he has left me speechless. He tugs at my wrist. “Now shall we, I believe you know I’m good for the money.” He pulls me forward and I stumble, his loose grip allows me to fall on to one knee. I look up into is glacial expression I can feel my eyes prickle but I fight to not let the building tears fall. I pull my hand from his grip and steadily get back to my feet, straightening my back I tip my chin and scowl.
“I’m not—”
He growls his interruption. “—Not what? So that wasn’t your friend paying you for your . . . assistance?” He smirks but it’s not sexy. It’s cruel.
“No!” I snap back “That was my friend lending me the cab fare home because,” I motion up and down my outfit, exhibit A of my explanation. “I have nowhere to carry money.” He might be justifiably upset finding me here, but he is, in fact, here too. I struggle to hide my own anger. But remarkably manage to keep my overwhelming hurt under control, for the moment. But I need to get out of here if I am to keep it that way.
His lips form a thin tight line as he considers me. “In that case I’ll get Colin to transfer your fee directly.” His sneer is just as harsh.
“God you’re such an arsehole in this place.” I snarl at him but still keep my voice at a normal volume.
“And you are a whore when you are in this place . . . It would seem we are a perfect match after-all.” His words are whispered smooth and he even tucks my wig behind my ear. I shake free of his transparent false affection and try to step away.
“Fuck you.” I whisper my voice cracking. He steps to close the distance and pulls me tight, squeezing my shoulders, his strong arms securing me against his side. Striding toward the back rooms my feet barely touch the ground.
“No Bethany. Fuck You.”
I turn my head and see the worried look of both Jason and Sam but I shake my head to stop them assisting. They’ve done all they can. This is my mess and it’s going to get a whole lot messier.
HE SPINS ME into a room that is a carbon copy of the one Sam and I had just vacated and I stumble to the middle but manage to remain standing this time. He closes the door and turns the lock and I struggle to swallow the lump that has risen to the back of my throat. My mouth is dry and my breathing is rapidly rising shallow pants. He doesn’t make eye contact but moves me to the centre of the room and he doesn’t need to tell me not to move, the tension and dominance is radiating of him in tidal waves. He unhooks a wire from the wall and drags it to the centre of the room. There are cuffs on the end and he wastes no time securing my wrists and pulling the wire tight lifting my arms high until I am on my tip toes. He has held me in this position in his office and I tremble at the memory both painful and tortuously erotic but I feel none of that now. This false supplication leaves me feeling isolated and exposed. My dress rides up so the cheeks of my bottom are clearly visible. He takes the mask from my eyes and I desperately wish he would stroke my face with his fingers so I can lean into him, like Sebastian had leaned into Sam but he has no intention of giving me comfort. I can see that in his cold flat eyes. My heart plummets. What have I done? Last time I was here it was self-sabotage, this time it’s more like self-destruction.
He stands in front of me and runs his hand over the swell of my breasts and down my sides over my bottom and down my thighs. He rolls the hem of my dress that is only too eager to retreat on itself, winding up to my waist with the snap of an overstretched rubber band. His hand smoothes down my tummy and pushes between my legs despite me trying to keep them pinched together. He looks me in the eye and as much as I want to look away I hold his emotionless gaze.
“So which part of this is you not being a whore, the rubber dress, the no panties at a sex club or you . . . dripping wet?” He presses his middle finger deep in my folds and he moves the abundant moisture around, down and along the folds and up over my clit. My body responds, trembles and shudders. I grit my teeth, he is angry and lashing out but I won’t dignify his accusations. He knows my body responds to him. I am always wet for him but since I can’t tell him why I’m here, dressed like this I just have to let him be angry. “Oh come on Bethany, if you aren’t here in a professional capacity then why are you here? Mmm? Who was your sponsor? I know you’ve been insatiable of late but are you really just here for cock?” My head snaps up, my eyes meet his, which are narrow and sharp at his suggestion. He shrugs and continues to move his fingers along my sensitive core, stroking and teasing, building the pleasure but not pushing too far. “No I didn’t think so. So tell me Bethany was it worth it?” He sinks two fingers inside and I gasp and drop my head to his shoulder. “Got what you needed, did you?” His soft deep words are said with menace and I get a chill that he must know, somehow. Jason wouldn’t have told him and Sam was as surprised as I was to see him, maybe he saw Sebastian leave.
“What do you know Daniel . . . why do you think I’m here?” My voice is breathless but my tone, unrepentant. I sink a little as he swirls his finger hitting the sweetest spot deep inside. I want to hold him as my body sways, held steady by his fingers alone.
“Oh no ba” He checks himself before he calls me baby, that stings. “That is not how this works. You don’t get to ask the questions.” His breath is a fresh breeze of mint and whiskey, kissing my neck and the irony is not lost on me that not half an hour ago I was vicariously in his position. He leans down, his mouth covers mine with angry possession and I pull at my restraints desperate to hold him. His tongue plunges deep, swirling, his lips are soft and sweet, he sucks on my tongue as he pulls back only to sweep back in capturing my head with his other hand, pushing me hard against him. When he pulls back the next time he draws my bottom lip between his teeth and I flinch at the anticipated bite. I cry in the back of my throat as the coppery taste floods my mouth; my lips are sore and swollen. He kisses along my jaw up to my ear and down to my collar bone, tender featherlike and cherished. He reaches my neck and I brace for the inevitable bite and draw on my flesh that will mark me but it doesn’t come and I feel its absence in the pit of my stomach.
His fingers move in a tortuously slow pace, his thumb circles my clit without the necessary pressure to drive me over the edge but even so I recognise the clenching and tension in my core that starts to build and so does Daniel. “Why are you here Bethany? Who is your sponsor?” My body starts to quiver and he stills his fingers, breathing heavily in my ear and waiting until my own breathing has quietened. He does this several times, each time a little closer to my release and I can’t help the sobs escape each time he denies me. “Well, fuck Bethany if you don’t want to come I might as well.” He removes his hand from between my legs my hips buck involuntarily at the loss and scramble to get purchase on the tip of my toes. He unzips his suit trousers and lets them drop to his mid-thigh as his legs are braced wide; he holds his heavy cock loosely stroking its length. I fight the urge to lick my lips but I can’t help the whimper in the back of my throat.
He sweeps his strong arm around my waist and drops it just below the cheeks of my bottom pulling me toward him. I try to keep my legs together but he growls a command for me to spread and I do. He lifts me up and positions the thick head of his cock at my entrance. In one smooth continuous movement he sinks inside me and I relish the feeling of being completely full, even though I know he isn’t all the way in. He nudges me with his arm, pushing deeper and my breath catches. I wrap my legs around his waist and I’m grateful he is supporting my weight, easing the ache in my arms even for a moment. My sensitive core clenches around his thick thrusting shaft like its afraid to let go and I am so desperate to let go I move my hips and meet each thrust with needy desire and desperation. His fingers pinch my hips holding me firm and preventing my movements, preventing my grind against him, preventing my climax. He
stills and again with herculean control stays off another climax and judging by the tension in his jaw it’s not just mine.
If I could just hold him with my arms I could get the necessary leverage. I try to wriggle again but he just holds firm and I cry at the sharp pain from his fingers and the frustration at his refusal to grant my release.
“Please Daniel, Please Sir, please, please please . . . please I need to come.” My mindless litany goes unheeded. He is never going to let me come and I can hear the desperation in my voice but still he doesn’t acknowledge my plea. He holds me still and takes a few deep breaths and rolls his hips once, moving deep inside and grunting loudly he throws his head back before relaxing his hold. Fuck, Oh I hate him right now. I can’t believe he did that, he came and leaves me hanging, literally. Right now I don’t know why I bothered, fuck him if he wants to believe her. If he wants to let Angel and her husband take him for millions or worse get sucked back into a hollow, deceitful relationship well fuck him. They deserve each other. He pulls back from me and I take a moment. It doesn’t take even that to see him, all of him, my perfect. He makes my heart stop. All I ever see when I fall into his bottomless crystal blue eyes is the man I love, completely, utterly. My love for him is all consuming, a ‘I won’t survive without you love’ and I know I won’t. I also know that it is worth fighting for, it is worth any cost because he doesn’t deserve her. He deserves me and we deserve an Angel free future.
He tucks his still hard cock into his trousers and I am distracted by the ache between my legs at its absence. I take a deep breath before I let him know why I’m here. “You needed to know the truth. You needed proof, I got proof.” My voice is breathless, evidence of my unfinished erotic ordeal. He hadn’t really moved away but he is only a hairs breadth from me now, holding my chin with a firm grip.